Thursday, December 11, 2008


OK Christians, the rest of us seldom complain about the special treatment you get in this county. (The continued existence of the FLDS as an example) My statement is both as a non-Christian, and as a lover of words. When I write "Xmas" it is an abbreviation, not an attack as part of a "War On Christmas"

Anyway "X" as an abbreviation for "Christ" is much older than secularism. "X", or the Greek letter "Chi" was and is a symbol for Christ. In the 19Th and early 20Th centuries illiterate immigrants to America signed their names with an "X" to signify that they were Christians.
So get over it. I abbreviate for speed, and because I enjoy the throwback to an ancient language that is actually very significant to the event. If you want to fight a war, boycott Hallmark, Walmart, and the rest of the consumerstopo, and give to charity for Xmas. It's what Jesus would do, even if he were not the son of god.

1 comment:

Eriqua said...

I prefer to refer to Christmas as "CFC", which stands for "Consumers for Christ". Onward, Christian soldiers, march your way into Wal-Mart and trample over all of the assholes that get in your way of the HDTV's.